Minutes from March 18, 2019 Board Meeting

These are notes from a meeting of the VHTRC board of directors held on March 18, 2019. These notes summarize the topics that were discussed and the decisions that were made. If you have a question or comment about this meeting, please send an e-mail to the board members.

Meeting held at Bob Gaylord's home.

Called to order: 6:33 pm

Adjourned: 8:21 pm

Board members present: Bob Gaylord, Dan Aghdam, Tracy Dahl, Keith Knipling, and Tom McNulty

Others present: Quatro Hubbard, Katie Keier and Trevor Baine attended via phone

Old business


New business

Quatro Hubbard provided an excellent overview of the Bull Run Run 50 Miler planning and execution. The race reached capacity mid-January. Although currently short volunteers, Quatro expects there will be plenty by race day. The NVRPA permitting has been accomplished, Fountainhead Shelter reserved, and Hemlock’s Adventure Links contracted. Awards and runner swag have been procured and is in shipping. The Board thanked Quatro for an excellent overview and his work on the BRR 50.

There was a member recommendation for a Founders Award that was not moved forward for discussion and vote due to lack of further information and specifics from the member.

Quatro discussed VHTRC club shirt purchase. After considerable discussion on color, font and pricing, it was moved by Tracy and seconded by Bob to allow Quatro to make the call on color (unanimous). It was moved by Dan and seconded by Tom to use the font recommended by Keith (unanimous). It was moved by Bob and seconded by Tom to allow anyone to purchase shirts (previously restricted to club members) (Bob, Tom, Tracy and Dan yes; Keith voted no. Motion carried). Price of shirts unanimously set at $25 making marginal profit based on motion by Dan and seconded by Tom.

Keith provided a detailed presentation on the VHTRC web presence, including content management system (CMS) and domain hosting services. His conclusion was that although there are some cumbersome aspects of the VHTRC programing, overall, it was serving its intended purpose. WHM, BRR and MMT, which are currently not in a CMS, are being migrated to a text-based CMS called “Kirby.” Among other things, this enables editing by the race directors. The transition for WHM is complete, while the BRR and MMT are in progress (each of those races is using Kirby for this year’s events, but historical data has yet to be brought over). Keith hopes to have the transition of all of the races done by the end of the year. There are questions of whether the “News” section of the VHTRC website, which runs on the Drupal CMS, is sustainable. Our membership is system is also tied to this so moving to a new CMS is not trivial, although perhaps the right move. For the short term we will continue to manage our membership through the Drupal CMS. Tracy agreed to take on the membership responsibilities of the VHTRC, including learning how the membership module of Drupal works. Finally, web hosting and domain registration — which has been registered with and paid by Anstr Davidson since the beginning — will be formally transferred over to the club the week of May 20.

Other business

At Keith’s recommendation, May 11th was designated MMT workday. Keith also noted that logging operations and controlled burning may impact MMT training runs (e.g. Chocolate Bunny) and MMT itself.

The Volunteer Party was briefly discussed. Some noted they did not care for the venue. It was agreed to schedule the party for late August (just before school starts on August 26th), stay in the DC metro area (vice going to the mountains), look for a Saturday, and maybe hold a short run leading up to the event. Bob Gaylord offered, and the board agreed, to host the party at his home. Katie Keier agreed to coordinate the event.

Submitted by Robert E Gaylord. Minutes approved by email on April 22, 2019.

Last updated December 16, 2019