Quatro Hubbard

Hinton and Albu Win Beast Series

The Beast Series concludes each year with the running of the Hellgate 100km, and this year VHTRC members scored decisive wins on both the men’s and women’s sides of the final results. Brad Hinton was first among the 22 men who finished all six races in the 2015 Series (Holiday Lake, Terrapin Mountain and Promise Land 50ks in the spring, and the Grindstone 100 miler, Mountain Masochist 50 miler and Hellgate 100km in the fall).  Amy Albu was the top woman, an accomplishment made all the more remarkable coming a year after she broke her leg while running Holiday Lake in 2014!  Congratulations to Amy and Brad, and to all the Beast Series finishers!

2015 Beast Series Standings