Quatro Hubbard

H.U.R.T. 100 Mile Results

Congratulations to the VHTRC’s ambassadors who took on the challenging H.U.R.T. (Hawaiian Ultra Running Team) 100 on the weekend of January 16-17, 2016. This race is run on former pig trails within a rain forest near Honolulu on the island of Oahu. Alex Papadopoulos was 16th overall with a time of 30:35; Keith Knipling was 25th, finishing in 32:40; and Paul Encarnación was 48th in a time of just over 35 hours. Dave Yeakel also toed the starting line, but a hip injury recurred and knocked him out of the race.This tough race had a 42% finishers’ rate among the 125 starters this year.

HURT 100 Results

HURT 100 Website