16 May 2023

John Calabrese

Just a Training Run Backyard Ultra Race Report

Last person standing/backyard events continue to gain in popularity, and John Calabrese reports on a particularly epic weekend at the Backyard Ultra put on over the weekend of May 13-14, 2023, by Just a Training Run in Wakefield, in the Hampton Roads area of southeast Virginia.

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5 May 2023

John Hord

Four Buckles at the C&O

After several years of volunteering at the C&O Canal 100 Miler, John Hord made a successful return to running the race in 2023. Below he recounts the story of how he claimed his fourth C&O buckle.

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5 May 2023

Lauren Gabler Masterson

Hell and Back at the NJ Devil 100 Miler

Lauren Gabler Masterson, co-RD of the fall PB&J events and co-Captain of the pivotal Bull Run Run aid station at Fountainhead, has overcome bone cancer to not only return to running and racing, but to nail a strong finish this spring at the New Jersey Devil 100 miler. Lauren was 3rd female, finishing 28th overall out of 169 starters (89 finishers). She has shared her story here.

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2 May 2023

John Calabrese

2023 C&O 100 Race Report

John Calabrese checks in with a report on his experiences during the 2023 running of the C&O Canal 100 Miler, held over the weekend of April 29-30.

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17 Apr 2023

Keith Knipling

A Gathering for Chris

Some of the “old guard” of the VHTRC gathered to celebrate Chris Scott’s memory, near the trailhead of the Bull Run Occoquan Trail at Fountainhead Regional Park and the birthplace of the VHTRC.

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13 Apr 2023

Kate Fletcher

The Lion Pride Run

VHTRC member Kate Fletcher is a high school English teacher in a rural portion of central Virginia. Kate has converted her love of running - and, in particular, running long distances - into a years-long charitable effort to raise money to benefit community programs and scholarships. Click the link below to read her story of the Lion Pride Run.

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5 Apr 2023

Anstr Davidson

Chris Scott

Chris Scott, a founding member of the VHTRC and the genesis of many of our events, died on April 2 after a year-long battle with pancreatic cancer. His good friend, Anstr Davidson, reflects on Chris’s life and his contributions to the VHTRC and the broader trail running community.

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4 Apr 2023

Keith Knipling

Reflections on Chris Scott

Chris Scott passed away Sunday after a year-long battle with pancreatic cancer. He was 74. Chris was the genesis of the VHTRC. While Keith Knipling does not go that far back, he has been around long enough to have run with Chris and witness his magic, as well as hearing many stories. Chris was one of a kind and, without Chris, there would be no VHTRC.

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3 Apr 2023

Jana Fridrichová

Dropping the spike in the coffin: Georgia Death Race

Jana Fridrichová left her beloved mountains of western Maryland to take on the challenge that is the 74-mile Georgia Death Race on March 25, 2023. She reports on how it went [spoiler: it went really REALLY well.]

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3 Apr 2023

Tracy Cooley

Then there were the potatoes: Greenbrier Ultras Race Report

The Greenbrier Ultras are a trail running treat – a challenging but manageable course, well-stocked aid station, and excellent volunteers. Race Director Kevin Sayers suggests that it is a great race for ‘the first-time ultra marathon runner who have put in their training miles.’ As if that weren’t enough, there are also the potatoes. Tracy Cooley reports on the 2023 Greenbrier.

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