17 Jan 2023

John Calabrese


Your intrepid reporter John Calabrese ventured up to Delaware on the second Saturday in January for the PHUNT trail race experience.

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8 Dec 2022

John Calabrese

2022 Devil Dog 100 Miler Report

Read about Devil Dog from the perspective of 100 mile finisher, John Calabrese.

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22 Nov 2022

Sam Neakrase

The Last Crooked Road?

The Crooked Road Ultra 24 Hour was held on Saturday and Sunday, November 19-20, 2022. The race was conducted on a 1.178-mile cinder track loop in Waid Recreation Park, on the banks of the Pigg River, between Rocky Mount and Ferrum in Franklin County, SW Virginia. Three runners were able to cover more than 100 miles during their 24 hours on the course.

A number of VHTRC members and friends have participated over the years, and this year was no exception. Bruce Tweedie came in 8th place overall and covered over 83.5 miles. Rob Tidwell covered over 74 miles, and Rob’s daughter Rebecca Tidwell was 5th female and 12th overall, with over 77 miles. Wayne Kline was 19th, after breaking 70 miles over his 24 hours. Fitz Brown covered just over 60 miles, and Alan Zwart had just over 50. And, last but certainly not least, 11-time Crooked Road race participant Bill Gentry was the top club finisher, 5th overall and with nearly 92 miles. [Apologies for any club members that the editor may have missed after a quick review of the results!]

All of the above and over 160 additional runners joined our report author, Sam Neakrase, for this year’s race. Her thoughts are collected below.

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21 Nov 2022

John Calabrese

60th Annual JFK 50 Mile Race

The 60th annual JFK 50 Mile race was held on Saturday November 19. Noteworthy VHTRC performances included Martha Wright, who won her age group with a time of 9:24; Jana Fridichova, who finished 10th among the women and 65th overall in 7:39 (a pace just over 9 minutes per mile); VHTRC Bored member Chelsea Smith, who came in just under 10 hours; and also John Calabrese, who settled into 11 minute mile pace and finished in 9:13. This placed John 212th among the 1,081 runners, on what was a bright, sunny and brisk day in western Maryland. Here is John’s report.

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23 Oct 2022

Tracy Cooley

Big Dog’s Backyard Ultra: Together Everyone Achieves More

Credit: This report on the 2023 Big Dog’s Backyard World Championship was compiled by Tracy Cooley, based on posts by Tracey Outlaw and Keith Knipling, and on her experiences while crewing as part of the Blue Train to Bell Buckle, the Tennessee site for this event.

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3 Aug 2020

Keith Knipling

Aaron Ellison victorious at Capital Backyard Ultra

Aaron Ellison is the last person standing at Sarah Smith’s Capital Backyard Ultra.

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7 Jun 2019

Erik Price

Old Dominion 100 mile cross country run

Another fast year of finishers at Old Dominion, the first race in the Grand Slam, and with a 48% buckle rate. Olivier LeBlond wins overall and Kathleen Cusick wins the women’s field. Erik Price has submitted this recap.

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2 Jan 2019

Quatro Hubbard

The Renegade Redeye

Despite the cancelation of the 2019 Redeye 50k, a “few” runners still started their new year with some miles on the trails at Prince William Forest Park.

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10 Dec 2018

Quatro Hubbard

A Devil Dog’s Tale (Tail?)

Two stories out of this year’s Devil Dog races, held in Prince William Forest Park over the weekend of December 1-2, 2018: 1) Keith Knipling is now 2 for 3 at the 100 mile distance in this event, winning this year in a romp; and 2) mud, mud and mud.

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22 Oct 2018

Erik Price

The Gift of the Bear

Erik Price was part of a mini-Blue Train that tackled The Bear 100 Miler, held September 28-29, 2018.

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